Jul 15, 2022Liked by Maria Artemisteria

What a beautiful picture. Yes, life always throws the unexpected at us. And the more we go with the flow, the easier it becomes. Planning ahead is good, even necessary, but if we are too attached to the outcome, it goes against our grain. We become frustrated and life becomes more difficult. But if we accept, we relax and enjoy the adventure. Getting sick along the way can throw a real monkey wrench in to things though. I have to laugh because I always have goals I am going to achieve along the way, but rarely do. Love your taking time to write and share. 🥰

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Maria Artemisteria

So glad to hear that your cat has been found! <3 Love your story of learning to flow like water. <3

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Hi Maria! I also have the dream of owning an RV of some sort and driving around, doing volunteer work in permaculture farms in exchange for food and shelter, learning to care for a food garden/forest and learning some trades also. Let's see where that dream/plan takes us eventually haha. I feel what you're saying about planning, but to go the other way entirely, not to plan anything at all, would have left all of humanity still living in caves (which is not bad per se, but we'd be missing beautiful works of art like the Sistine chapel ceiling, just to name one). What I mean is: most things in life require some form of planning, and as an artist I'm sure you have experienced that yourself. What we need less of is not planning per se but attachment to a given plan. We need more flexibility to go with the flow. The ability to change plans, see what happens, adapt or start from scratch, and to not beat ourselves up because what we thought of in the beginning doesn't work out: it never will exactly the way we thought of it. Actually, it helps me to keep in mind how limited my own fantasies are, in comparison to what amazing things happen "out there". I can dream an incredible life, but what a boring thing it'd be if it came to pass exactly as I dreamed it off.

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